Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Citizenship Has It's Benefits

Last week we talked about being in the world not of it (John 17:14,15). We also talked about being a part of the kingdom of God and how to keep it first priority in our lives.

Since we are natural citizens of the U.S. we find that being a citizen of this country allows us special freedoms and entitlements that wouldn’t belong to us if our citizenship was some other place.  Just as that is the case in the natural, our spiritual citizenship has freedoms and benefits that we are entitled to as well.

When we accept Jesus gift of salvation and all that it entails, not only do we receive eternal life instead of death, hell, and the grave, but we receive some benefits that will help us bring God’s kingdom into the earth by helping us live as kingdom citizens as we apply its principles to life’s situations here in the earth. This allows us to live in this natural realm or world but not be bound or limited by its rules or limitations.

Now we have access to the precious promises of God that were given to Abraham and his descendants, including Jesus then, and us now as joint heirs with Christ.  We have the promise of God’s provision from Philippians 4:19 which covers anything we might need now, when Paul states “My God shall supply all your need…”, and going forward the promise of a future and a hope according to Jeremiah 29:11.

Praise God that it doesn’t stop there!  God loves us so much that not only does he supply our needs he has our wants covered too.  According to David Psalms 37:4   says if you “Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart.”

Wow! I think that takes care of everything we could ever want or need!  It’s great to be a part of God’s kingdom!

Be blessed!

1 comment :

  1. Interestingly, when I think of citizenship the term diplomatic immunity seems to always pop up. We are in fact diplomats in a foreign country when you think of it. Diplomats also have immunity from prosecution of certain laws within that country. The world must live according to the law that "the wages of sin is death". As diplomats of the heavenly kingdom we are immune to the law of "sin and death". Of course this doesn't give us a green light to live in the flesh (whatsoever a man sows, that shall he reap...) but we as diplomats have forgiveness of sin and have been thereby redeemed from the "law" and its consequences. We are delivered as such to live out a life that reflects that redemption!
